Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Well, it has finally decided to warm up here in Hutchinson, KS. I finally relented and told my husband he could turn on the air conditioner. So, we closed all the windows and flipped the thermostat to cool and ... nothing happened. So this morning I have to call the repairman to come and fix the air conditioner. Wouldn't you just know it? I have been stubbornly avoiding turning on the air conditioning and as soon as I relent it is broken so all the money I saved not running the air is now going to the repairman. I have always said that I am a direct descendent to Murphy from Murphy's law! I am trying so hard to pay off our debt and every month something like this happens. I have been very strict on our budget for food and utilities and I have stopped using the credit cards completely. I know it is going to be a long time before we can dig ourselves out of debt but I am going to keep trying. A week ago I had a tooth pulled and a temporary bridge put in so what ever is not paid by my two dental insurances I will probably have to put on a credit card. Next year I am scheduled to attend my second residency in Phoenix, AZ and I want to be able to take my family on vacation while I am there. What that means is that I will have to have enough money for the trip, food to eat while we are there, and money for the extra room and days we are there. The residency is at the Hilton and it is super nice! Add in the fact that we have NEVER had a real vacation and you can see that the stakes are pretty high. I will also have to figure out someone who will be able to take care of the dogs and cats. The cats are no big deal just feed them and then make sure their water fountain is clean and running. The problem comes with the dogs. Both my fur baby dogs are rescues and they do not trust many people. Loki, my "wild child" dog growls at children, strange people, and the vet. He is anything but a vicious dog and you have to understand how he came to be rescued. Loki was originally given to this lady with two small kids. Loki was a month old when he was given to this lady and she just had white carpeting installed. Bright lady, huh? Two small kids and a puppy that is not housebroken and you get a WHITE carpet! Loki was just a baby- a month old baby- and he had an accident on the new carpet. The lady kicked him repeatedly and broke three of his ribs. That was when Loki came to live with us. He is a husky and "talks" to me all the time. He really is very sweet but not everyone wants to sign up for a week of feeding and watering a pure white husky with blue eyes that seems a bit- well, unstable. Jack, my black lab is 11 and very friendly. Both are big dogs and not many people will care for big dogs so I might have to board them for a week (aka more money). So that is what is going on at the Martin household today. No pictures today and no recipes but I hope I will have something posted tomorrow!

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